OAUTH Live View Tooltip

The following instructions will allow you to add camera live view as an on hover tooltip to your own application.

Note: This tooltip requires bootstrap 4 and you'll need a valid oauth2 user token. See oauth2 integration

Step 1: Add Javascript & CSS

Before start you'll need to add TetherX public cdn script and css into your page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://my.timeline.is/cdn/tetherx.css" />
<script src="https://my.timeline.is/cdn/tetherx.js"></script>

Step 2: Add CSS Class & Attribute

Add tetherx-live-tooltip  class to needed element. Then add tetherx-zone-id  additional attribute with corect  zone_id

<button type="button mt-12" class="btn btn-secondary tetherx-live-tooltip" tetherx-zone-id='5cbdab257fe76e18f15f5c9b'>
  Tooltip Button

Step 3: Execute Script

After page load you need to execute script:

new TetherX('user_oauth2_token').tooltips();
Note: Replace `user_oauth2_token` with correct token. See oauth2 integration